Well these tricks they can serve people who have too little RAM or processor is not very good at all if these tricks accelerate their yield nn
Due to the success of "Easy Guide to Windows XP trucar" has decided to send this article to summarize the most important. The effectiveness of each of these tips will vary depending on the computer. You attempted to explain those tricks that are easy to perform in almost any computer. Please do not do none of these changes if you're not sure what you're doing and always remember to do a backup before ... Good luck!
1. Disable unnecessary services
Windows XP as it needs to be a target system for all has a lot of services running that slow your computer and many of them do not need.Here is a list of which can be disabled almost all machines:
* Alert Service
* ClipBook
* Computer Browser
* Tracking Client Distributed Link
Compatibility * Fast User Switching
* Help and Support - (if you use the yuda sometimes windows do not touch)
* Access to Human Interface Device
* Indexing Service
* IPSEC Services
* Messenger
* NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (disabled for extra security)
* Portable Media Serial Number Service
* Help Session Manager desktop Remote (disabled for extra security)
* Manage Remote Access Auto Connection
* Remote Registry (disabled for extra security)
* Remote Registry Service
* Secondary Logon
* Routing and Remote Access (disabled for extra security)
* Server
* SSDP Discovery Service - ( Unplug n 'Pray will disable this)
* Telnet
* Help NetBIOS over TCP / IP
* Upload Manager
* Plug and Play Device Host Universal
* Windows Time
* Wireless Zero Configuration (Do not disable if you use WIFI)
* Workstation
To disable these services:
1. Go to Start -> Run, and type "services.msc"
2. Doubleclick on the service you want to
3. Change the startup type to "Disabled" or "Disable" (as system)
Windows XP as it needs to be a target system for all has a lot of services running that slow your computer and many of them do not need.Here is a list of which can be disabled almost all machines:
* Alert Service
* ClipBook
* Computer Browser
* Tracking Client Distributed Link
Compatibility * Fast User Switching
* Help and Support - (if you use the yuda sometimes windows do not touch)
* Access to Human Interface Device
* Indexing Service
* IPSEC Services
* Messenger
* NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (disabled for extra security)
* Portable Media Serial Number Service
* Help Session Manager desktop Remote (disabled for extra security)
* Manage Remote Access Auto Connection
* Remote Registry (disabled for extra security)
* Remote Registry Service
* Secondary Logon
* Routing and Remote Access (disabled for extra security)
* Server
* SSDP Discovery Service - ( Unplug n 'Pray will disable this)
* Telnet
* Help NetBIOS over TCP / IP
* Upload Manager
* Plug and Play Device Host Universal
* Windows Time
* Wireless Zero Configuration (Do not disable if you use WIFI)
* Workstation
To disable these services:
1. Go to Start -> Run, and type "services.msc"
2. Doubleclick on the service you want to
3. Change the startup type to "Disabled" or "Disable" (as system)
2. Disable "System Restore"
"System Restore" may be helpful if your computer has problems, yet, save all the restore points can take up gigs and gigs of space on your hard drive. Therefore, to disable:
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Click on "Performance and Maintenance"
3. Click "System"
4. Open the System Restore tab
5. Enable 'Turn off System Restore on all drives'
6. Press 'Ok'
"System Restore" may be helpful if your computer has problems, yet, save all the restore points can take up gigs and gigs of space on your hard drive. Therefore, to disable:
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Click on "Performance and Maintenance"
3. Click "System"
4. Open the System Restore tab
5. Enable 'Turn off System Restore on all drives'
6. Press 'Ok'
3. Defragmenting the page file
defragmented Holding this file can have a significant increase in boot speed. One of the best ways to do this is to create a separate partition on your hard drive just for this, which is not affected by normal use of the hard drive. Another way to get this file defragmented is to run the application PageDefrag. This handy little application can be used to defragmentarlo, but also to set to defragment every time you start your computer. To install:
1. Download and run PageDefrag
2. Notes "Defrag at next Reboot"
3. Click "OK"
4. Restart
defragmented Holding this file can have a significant increase in boot speed. One of the best ways to do this is to create a separate partition on your hard drive just for this, which is not affected by normal use of the hard drive. Another way to get this file defragmented is to run the application PageDefrag. This handy little application can be used to defragmentarlo, but also to set to defragment every time you start your computer. To install:
1. Download and run PageDefrag
2. Notes "Defrag at next Reboot"
3. Click "OK"
4. Restart
4. Accelerate access to folders - Disable Last Access Update
If you have many folders and subfolders on your computer, you will notice that access to those folders time consuming, because Windows XP has to update the time of last access to each. To stop this you need to edit the registry. If you think it's too complicated do not, but it is not difficult ..
1. Go to Start -> Run and type "regedit"
2. See navigating the tree on the left to get to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control / FileSystem"
3. Right click in the area of the right window and select 'DWORD Value'
4. Therefore create a new DWORD value and name it 'NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate'
5. Right-click the new value and press 'Modify'
6. Change the value to '1 '
7. Click 'OK'
If you have many folders and subfolders on your computer, you will notice that access to those folders time consuming, because Windows XP has to update the time of last access to each. To stop this you need to edit the registry. If you think it's too complicated do not, but it is not difficult ..
1. Go to Start -> Run and type "regedit"
2. See navigating the tree on the left to get to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control / FileSystem"
3. Right click in the area of the right window and select 'DWORD Value'
4. Therefore create a new DWORD value and name it 'NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate'
5. Right-click the new value and press 'Modify'
6. Change the value to '1 '
7. Click 'OK'
5.Deshabilita system sounds
Surprisingly, the sounds emitted by your computer to indicate different things can slow down, particularly at startup and shutdown. To disable this:
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Click on "Sound, Speech and Audio '
3. Select 'Place volume icon in the taskbar'
4. Open the tab "Sounds"
5. Possibility to coordinate "No Sounds" in the Sound Scheme
6. Click "No"
7. Click "Apply"
8. Click "OK"
Surprisingly, the sounds emitted by your computer to indicate different things can slow down, particularly at startup and shutdown. To disable this:
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Click on "Sound, Speech and Audio '
3. Select 'Place volume icon in the taskbar'
4. Open the tab "Sounds"
5. Possibility to coordinate "No Sounds" in the Sound Scheme
6. Click "No"
7. Click "Apply"
8. Click "OK"
6. Improved starting
a new feature in Windows XP is the ability to perform defragmentation starting. This places all boot files one after another to ensure a much faster start. By default this option is enabled on many versions of XP, but here we show how to enable just in case.
1. Go to Start -> Run
2. Type 'Regedit.exe'
3. Find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Dfrg / BootOptimizeFunction"
4. Select "Enable" from the list on the right
5. Right click and select 'Modify'
6. Change the value to "Y"
7. Restart the computer
a new feature in Windows XP is the ability to perform defragmentation starting. This places all boot files one after another to ensure a much faster start. By default this option is enabled on many versions of XP, but here we show how to enable just in case.
1. Go to Start -> Run
2. Type 'Regedit.exe'
3. Find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Dfrg / BootOptimizeFunction"
4. Select "Enable" from the list on the right
5. Right click and select 'Modify'
6. Change the value to "Y"
7. Restart the computer
7. Improves performance of swap
If you have more than 256MB of RAM this trick increase performance considerably. It is based on ensuring that your PC uses every bit of RAM (faster than swap file) before using the swap file.
1. Go to Start -> Run
2. Type "msconfig.exe"
3. Go to the System.ini tab
4. Expands 386enh clicking on the +
5. Click New and type "ConservativeSwapfileUsage = 1?
6. Click OK
7. Reset the computer
If you have more than 256MB of RAM this trick increase performance considerably. It is based on ensuring that your PC uses every bit of RAM (faster than swap file) before using the swap file.
1. Go to Start -> Run
2. Type "msconfig.exe"
3. Go to the System.ini tab
4. Expands 386enh clicking on the +
5. Click New and type "ConservativeSwapfileUsage = 1?
6. Click OK
7. Reset the computer
8. Make menus go faster
This is one of my favorites because it is one of the things that the machine will notice more. What this tweak does is remove the slight delay when you open Windows menus.
1. Go to Start -> Run
2. Type 'Regedit'
3. Find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop"
4. Select "MenuShowDelay"
5. Right click and select 'Modify'
6. Reduce the number to around "100?
This is the delay time before a menu. You can set it to "0? but I find it a bit hard to use menus. Well now look to see the menu if you like and going fast. If you want you can change these values ints 50 and 150 according to your taste.
This is one of my favorites because it is one of the things that the machine will notice more. What this tweak does is remove the slight delay when you open Windows menus.
1. Go to Start -> Run
2. Type 'Regedit'
3. Find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop"
4. Select "MenuShowDelay"
5. Right click and select 'Modify'
6. Reduce the number to around "100?
This is the delay time before a menu. You can set it to "0? but I find it a bit hard to use menus. Well now look to see the menu if you like and going fast. If you want you can change these values ints 50 and 150 according to your taste.
9. Make programs load faster
This little trick works with most programs. If after your program do go wrong, just undo the change.
1. Right-click the program shortcut you usually use
2. Select properties
3. At destination, added to the end '/ prefetch: 1'
4. Click "Ok"
Voila - your programs run faster now
This little trick works with most programs. If after your program do go wrong, just undo the change.
1. Right-click the program shortcut you usually use
2. Select properties
3. At destination, added to the end '/ prefetch: 1'
4. Click "Ok"
Voila - your programs run faster now
10. Improve XP Shutdown Speed
This tweak reduces the waiting time before they close all running programs when you give to Shut Down your computer:.
1. Go to Start -> Run
2. Type 'Regedit'
3. Find the string 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop'
4. Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
5. Right click and select 'Modify'
6. Change the value to '1000 '
7. Click 'OK'
8. Select 'HungAppTimeout'
9. Right click and select 'Modify'
10. Change the value to '1000 '
11. Click 'OK'
12. Now find the following string
13. 'HKEY_USERS / DEFAULT / Control Panel / Desktop - Select --->' WaitToKillAppTimeout '
14. Right click and select 'Modify'
15. Change the value to '1000 '
16. Click 'OK'
17. Now find the following string
18. 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control - Select ---->' WaitToKillServiceTimeout '
19. Right click and select 'Modify'
20. Change the value to '1000 '
21. Click 'OK'
And that's all. We hope you found these tips useful and easy. From now on you should notice an improvement in system speed if you have made good changes. I hope that even surprised!.
This tweak reduces the waiting time before they close all running programs when you give to Shut Down your computer:.
1. Go to Start -> Run
2. Type 'Regedit'
3. Find the string 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop'
4. Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
5. Right click and select 'Modify'
6. Change the value to '1000 '
7. Click 'OK'
8. Select 'HungAppTimeout'
9. Right click and select 'Modify'
10. Change the value to '1000 '
11. Click 'OK'
12. Now find the following string
13. 'HKEY_USERS / DEFAULT / Control Panel / Desktop - Select --->' WaitToKillAppTimeout '
14. Right click and select 'Modify'
15. Change the value to '1000 '
16. Click 'OK'
17. Now find the following string
18. 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control - Select ---->' WaitToKillServiceTimeout '
19. Right click and select 'Modify'
20. Change the value to '1000 '
21. Click 'OK'
And that's all. We hope you found these tips useful and easy. From now on you should notice an improvement in system speed if you have made good changes. I hope that even surprised!.
For that we go to "Start / Run /" and type REGEDIT.
After opening the sale of records, we will:
following the video tutorial maybe you do easier, but unfortunately the scrambling made the video quality was very low.
in the folder paremeters we click the right mouse button and go to;
New / dword and we put GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize and then we go to change and should ensure that the code is binary and we Hexasesimal 7FFF.
as I said at first this is to slightly accelerate your Internet denial but especially those using broadband. ADSL / lan
in the folder paremeters we click the right mouse button and go to;
New / dword and we put GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize and then we go to change and should ensure that the code is binary and we Hexasesimal 7FFF.
as I said at first this is to slightly accelerate your Internet denial but especially those using broadband. ADSL / lan
In Firefox open the address "about: config" (without the quotes), and in this place will modify the following values
browser.turbo.enabled true
network.http.pipelining true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests 8
network.http.max-connections 30
network.http.max-connections-per-server 8
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server 8
nglayout.initialpaint.delay 100
Remove 20% of internet connection limitation
Windows we have castrated a 20% connection to download updates as I leave here to remove if they are interested
To remove this limitation cleanly:
- Login to the Administrator account.
- Click Start-> Run, and type: gpedit.msc
- A window with group policies,
you should go to Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Network (Network) -> QoS Packet Scheduler.
you should go to Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Network (Network) -> QoS Packet Scheduler.
- Double click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth
Speed up the Start Menu
To accelerate the speed at which displays the Start menu, which by default is rather slow, we will:
To accelerate the speed at which displays the Start menu, which by default is rather slow, we will:
* We click on the button Start / Run, type regedit and click OK
* Now we sail in our Windows XP registry to locate the following string in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop
* Look in the right pane MenuShowDelay entry and double-click on this option, now change the default value is on (400) by a lower value.Put the value "0" to get the most speed. I personally recommend 200
* then press the OK button and reboot for the changes to take effect and can see the difference.
* Now we sail in our Windows XP registry to locate the following string in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop
* Look in the right pane MenuShowDelay entry and double-click on this option, now change the default value is on (400) by a lower value.Put the value "0" to get the most speed. I personally recommend 200
* then press the OK button and reboot for the changes to take effect and can see the difference.
Off faster Windows XP
When you turn off your system, Windows XP closes all services used one by one, causing some slowness to turn off your PC.
When you turn off your system, Windows XP closes all services used one by one, causing some slowness to turn off your PC.
For operating system takes less time to close the system we will:
* Let's Start / Run, you type regedit and click OK
* Now we sail in our Windows XP registry to locate the following string in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop
* In the right pane look for the entry WaitToKillAppTimeout, double click it and change the value by 4,000 20,000
* Still in Registry Editor, we agree to the following key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control
* key Localiamos WaitToKillAppTimeout again and change its value from 20,000 to 4,000
* Close the Registry Editor and reboot. Now Windows will wait less time to close the system.
* Now we sail in our Windows XP registry to locate the following string in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop
* In the right pane look for the entry WaitToKillAppTimeout, double click it and change the value by 4,000 20,000
* Still in Registry Editor, we agree to the following key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control
* key Localiamos WaitToKillAppTimeout again and change its value from 20,000 to 4,000
* Close the Registry Editor and reboot. Now Windows will wait less time to close the system.
XP Prefetching
Prefetching Thanks to a new Windows XP service, we can increase the loading speed of our team in a more than substantial and not just the starter system takes advantage of this utility but also the entire operating system increases its performance accelerating the load programs. Prefetching comes with a default value for all machines to work properly but you can change this value in order to improve our performance. Before proceeding it is necessary to make one thing very clear about the teams that can take advantage of this utility:
Prefetching Thanks to a new Windows XP service, we can increase the loading speed of our team in a more than substantial and not just the starter system takes advantage of this utility but also the entire operating system increases its performance accelerating the load programs. Prefetching comes with a default value for all machines to work properly but you can change this value in order to improve our performance. Before proceeding it is necessary to make one thing very clear about the teams that can take advantage of this utility:
1. Teams must be greater than 1.2GHz and a minimum of 256MB of RAM but it is better to have 512RAM to go better. If the computer is less than this is likely not notice a great improvement in the system. They say the minimum is 800MHz and 512 RAM but it's almost better to have a more powerful processor.
2. If you have a team of more than 2 GHz and 512 RAM is the best way to discover a great improvement on your computer.
2. If you have a team of more than 2 GHz and 512 RAM is the best way to discover a great improvement on your computer.
To achieve this improvement we do the following:
Go to Start / Run, you type regedit and click OK
Now navigate to the registry to locate the following string in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Session Manager / Memory Management / PrefetchParameters.
EnablePrefetche is the value we have to change "3" to "5". With this change the starting time change and the performance will be enhanced XP can load programs faster. Restart the computer and you will notice the improved apparatus, the computer starts to become unstable giving errors more than the "normal" again you will have to change the value and leaving it to "3" again. If you wanted to go I do not recommend increasing the number go from "6" as the operating system can become very unstable.
Perform a manual upgrade to Windows startup applications and
Windows XP includes features to optimize both the startup applications and the operating system itself. What really does is move the boot files to the innermost zone of the hard disk, where reading and writing faster. To do this you must follow these steps:
Windows XP includes features to optimize both the startup applications and the operating system itself. What really does is move the boot files to the innermost zone of the hard disk, where reading and writing faster. To do this you must follow these steps:
* Let's Start> Run, you type cmd and click OK
* In the DOS window type "defrag (drive letter):-b". The typical case would be "defrag c:-b" (without the quotes)
* In the DOS window type "defrag (drive letter):-b". The typical case would be "defrag c:-b" (without the quotes)
The process is a little slow, so be patient. When finished restart if we see the results. Works
Defragmenting your hard drive
The hard drive of your computer is made up of thousands of tracks and sectors. When performing a data change the operating system is responsible for modifying these sectors so that in future the playhead of the disc can be accessed and retrieve information in an easy and fast. But thanks to install and uninstall programs, create large numbers of files or move folders with lots of bytes, the information is widely dispersed in areas which makes a lot slower reading data. In this disorder is called data fragmentation.
The hard drive of your computer is made up of thousands of tracks and sectors. When performing a data change the operating system is responsible for modifying these sectors so that in future the playhead of the disc can be accessed and retrieve information in an easy and fast. But thanks to install and uninstall programs, create large numbers of files or move folders with lots of bytes, the information is widely dispersed in areas which makes a lot slower reading data. In this disorder is called data fragmentation.
Fortunately, there is the possibility of returning to accommodate these data in order to improve the reading speed of the reading head. In this arrangement is known as defragmentation.
To run this tool, we must go to the Start menu, Run command ... and type defrag followed by OK or Start menu, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmenter. Once in the program, select the drive to defragment and we click on the "Defragment".
Once you begin the process, create a map which will show the use of hard disk before the defragmentation, which will give us an idea of the level of fragmentation of the unit
After the process, generate a report of recovered space and defragmented files.
The advantages of this process are:
* Increased reading speed. Since the data are better organized and more together, the journey of the reader head is smaller and therefore more rapid.
* Recovery of free space. When the data together in one area, will recover some disk space.
* Best work of the swap. The further you are the page file of the other data, the speed of read / write the same will be higher.
* Recovery of free space. When the data together in one area, will recover some disk space.
* Best work of the swap. The further you are the page file of the other data, the speed of read / write the same will be higher.
Release RAM
After running one or multiple applications or games that make heavy use of system resources, we have detected that Windows is slow.
After running one or multiple applications or games that make heavy use of system resources, we have detected that Windows is slow.
This is because the remains of the applications used, block some amount of RAM you have used, causing what is called memory fragmentation.
Using a small script can free that memory, forcing the computer to download the contents of memory to the swap file so that recharge all the information again active in memory and discard the information is not useful, as follows:
* Open Windows Notepad and depending on the memory of your computer will write the following:
1. If you have less than 128 Mb of RAM, type Mystring = (16000000)
2. If you have 128 MB of RAM or more type Mystring = (80000000)
2. If you have 128 MB of RAM or more type Mystring = (80000000)
* Now save this file anywhere you want, with the name liberar.vbe must put the. Vbe as the name does not matter who wants to can make.
Now double click the file you just created and Windows refresh the RAM.
I recommend running this little script every time you finish using a very heavy (3D design as the Maya, 3dsmax, etc.) Or a game. Thus the system can ensure that we remain a bit hung up and have to reboot.
Disable Indexing
what? Indexing is a service provided by Windows XP to improve the indexing of your hard drive, allowing it searches faster and more effective.
what? Indexing is a service provided by Windows XP to improve the indexing of your hard drive, allowing it searches faster and more effective.
Problems? In principle any assiduously .... if you use the Windows search. But since the vast majority do not use, will use system resources (indexing is done automatically and continuously), causing significant performance problems in some PC's.
To disable this service we will:
1. Double click on the icon in My Computer> right click on the hard disk or (if you want to disable for all)> Properties
2. Destildamos the Allow Indexing indexing the disk to speed up the search and click on OK
3. At this time we will see a dialog box in which we wish to confirm that the selected operation
2. Destildamos the Allow Indexing indexing the disk to speed up the search and click on OK
3. At this time we will see a dialog box in which we wish to confirm that the selected operation
The process takes a bit since the operating system breaks the index tree that was done.
To finish completely disable this service:
1. We get to Start> Run and typing services.msc
2. We seek the Indexing service and do right-click on it> Properties
3. Under Startup Type Disabled we tell, we give Stop and accept
2. We seek the Indexing service and do right-click on it> Properties
3. Under Startup Type Disabled we tell, we give Stop and accept
Accelerate the onset of windows
in most cases over time we install and installing programs and many of them start out with the Windows startup, causing the system to become heavy and take long to show the desktop, well there a way to make these programs not to start with Windows startup.
in most cases over time we install and installing programs and many of them start out with the Windows startup, causing the system to become heavy and take long to show the desktop, well there a way to make these programs not to start with Windows startup.
We click on the Start button and then Run
You type MSCONFIG and press the OK button.
In the window that shows we click on the Startup tab and disable that's where we do not want programs to load when you boot Windows, so will reduce the boot time operating system.
Then click the OK button and presto, the next time you reboot the OS, it takes less time to show the Desktop
Freeing RAM on Windows XP
Release RAM. After running one or multiple applications or games that make heavy use of system resources, we have detected that Windows is something "touched", much slower. This is because the application remains blocked part of the RAM used, causing what is called "memory fragmentation".
Release RAM. After running one or multiple applications or games that make heavy use of system resources, we have detected that Windows is something "touched", much slower. This is because the application remains blocked part of the RAM used, causing what is called "memory fragmentation".
Download RAM unused DLL's
All dll's that stay in memory when you close a program are dll's that are useless except to hold that memory unnecessarily and reduce your speed, to Maybe this is to force the memory dump, but with this trick we will make Windows delete them from memory automatically, so follow these steps:
All dll's that stay in memory when you close a program are dll's that are useless except to hold that memory unnecessarily and reduce your speed, to Maybe this is to force the memory dump, but with this trick we will make Windows delete them from memory automatically, so follow these steps:
1. Click the Start button, click Run, type regedit and press the OK button
2. Now in the Windows registry you scroll through the following keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer
3. In the right pane, you click with the right mouse and choose New, String Value.
4. You give the name of AlwaysUnloadDLL and pressing the Enter key to stay the new name.
5. Now you double click on it and in the window that appears enter 1, and press the OK button. Close all windows and restart the computer.
Using a small script can free that memory, forcing the computer to download the contents of memory to the swap file so that recharge all the information again active in memory and discard the information is not useful, we will do this as follows :
Open the Windows Notepad and depending on the memory of our computer write the following:
If you have less than 128 Mb of RAM, write Mystring = (16000000)
If you have 128 MB of RAM or more write Mystring = (80000000)
Memory management
can make various settings in the Windows registry to optimize the memory subsystem that uses Windows XP, to get started click on the Start button, then Run and type Regedit word finally press the OK button to open the Registry Editor.
Then we move through the following string:
can make various settings in the Windows registry to optimize the memory subsystem that uses Windows XP, to get started click on the Start button, then Run and type Regedit word finally press the OK button to open the Registry Editor.
Then we move through the following string:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control / Session Manager / Memory Management.
Now activate the value DisablePagingExecutive, files will prevent Windows XP executives are paged to the hard drive, getting the OS and most programs run more smoothly.
However, to use this option our system will have a significant amount of RAM installed in the system (over 256 Mb) as this setting consumes a substantial portion of system resources. By default the contents of the value is "0", and to activate the change to "1".
Then close the Registry Editor and restart Windows XP.
Now save this file anywhere you want, with the name "liberar.vbe" (do not forget to put the. vbe as the name does not matter you can put the one you want).
Then close the Registry Editor and restart Windows XP.
Now save this file anywhere you want, with the name "liberar.vbe" (do not forget to put the. vbe as the name does not matter you can put the one you want).
Now double click the file you just created and windows refresh the RAM
Forcing the download of DLL's Memory
The memory subsystem of Windows XP normally try to keep it cached the file contents. "dll" already in use, keeping them in memory even after the application that made use of office has been closed.
The memory subsystem of Windows XP normally try to keep it cached the file contents. "dll" already in use, keeping them in memory even after the application that made use of office has been closed.
This behavior can cause performance problems on computers with little memory or create conflicts between applications using different versions of the same library.
Check and increase the speed of the hard disk
To check if we are leveraging the hardware of our team, we do so from the Administration Console by following these steps:
To check if we are leveraging the hardware of our team, we do so from the Administration Console by following these steps:
1. Do right mouse click on the My Computer icon and then on Manage.
2. Within Device Manager branch paragraph Drivers look IDE / ATAPI.
3. Clicking on each IDE channel, and then click the Advanced Settings tab can check and alter the data transfer mode being used.
To change the use of this cache, follow these steps:
1. Initiate the system registry editor with the command "regedit.exe" from the Start / Run.
2. Locate the key:
2. Locate the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / Current Version / Explorer.
3. Create a new subkey whose name AlwaysUnloadDLL alphanumeric value "(Default)" is "1" to clear the cache of dynamic libraries
Faster hard drives
to speed up access to our hard drives in a more rapid is necessary to activate each channel UDMA hard drive and for this we will:
to speed up access to our hard drives in a more rapid is necessary to activate each channel UDMA hard drive and for this we will:
• We click the Start button and then right mouse click on My Computer and click Properties.
• Then click on the Hardware tab and then on the Device Manager button.
• Now open the tree of the hard drives and with the right mouse select Properties.
• We click on the Advanced Settings tab, and select if it is not already the DMA mode. Faster access to programs Even if your computer has enough RAM and you can work with multiple programs without problems, the system always uses the Kernel to send and receive files from the hard disk paging, which is why computer speed slows down, if you already have enough RAM follow these steps:
1. Click the Start button and then on Run, type regedit and press the OK button
2. Now you move through the following string:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Session Manager / Memory Management
3. Look in the right pane DisablePagingExecutive entry and double click on it.
4. In the window that appears change the value of 0 and put 1 then press the OK button and restart your computer, now get more speed access to programs because they use less hard disk.
Create an icon to quickly turn off the PC
can make your PC turn off double click, it will need to create an icon that allows you to do this function to perform this trick, follow these steps:
Click your right mouse on a free Desktop and select New and then Shortcut.
can make your PC turn off double click, it will need to create an icon that allows you to do this function to perform this trick, follow these steps:
Click your right mouse on a free Desktop and select New and then Shortcut.
In the Windows shortcut you type shutdown-s-t 00 and click the Next button after you put the name you want to shortcut and you click the Finish button.
If you want to leave some time to close the applications you put this shutdown.exe-s-t 12 in this way will leave a reasonable margin of 12 seconds to turn off the PC.
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