There are a lot of tricks on the Mac keyboard or also known as 'command' , which will surely use a little easier if you know. Allowing us to perform certain tasks is a much faster and easier. Let's see some of the most used.
Most common combinations
As you know these devices have some keys that are different from those that are used in PCs.To use these tricks on the Mac keyboard keys as you must know 'option', 'Command', 'Eject', 'Command' or 'Function'.
- Copy and Paste : this, as in Windows , is the key 'C' and 'V' respectively, but in this case to the time you press the Command key.
- Using the keys F1-F16 : usually the operatic system Mac OS has some functions default assigned to these keys (or F1 to F12 on reduced keyboards). They usually have functions associated with the brightness or volume and there be pressed while the button 'function'.
- Screenshot : if you press' Command '+' Shift '+ '3' automatically display a png file to capture the entire screen. However if we repeat the same command but this time by pressing '4 ' will leave the cursor only selects an area of the screen.
- Send files to the trash : after selecting the file you want to delete you have to press the keys'Command' + 'Backspace' .
- Send files via Bluetooth : be as simple as pressing the keys 'Command' + 'Shift' + 'B' after selecting the file.
Shortcuts for everyday actions
With daily use now give them technology is not bad to always have these keyboard tricks for Mac that can give us a lot of our work. Yet know that if you go into system functions on your device, you can change some of these combinations .
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