Saturday, 2 June 2012

10 tips to look like a genius of the PC

Read on a number of tricks for seeming to be the Master and Lord of the Zeros and Ones ... but do not have much idea.
1. Change the color of the command line to green  
If anything the movies have taught us is that every self-respecting computer to display green text on black background. If possible, also with constant beeping. 
One way to emulate it is to change the text color of the command prompt. On the Start menu> Run, type CMD and press Enter. In the window that opens, right-click on the title bar and select Properties.
Finally, the Colors tab you can choose the color you want for text and background. Our recommendation: lime green with touches of hacker. Beautiful.

Wow! This guy must be a genius because he read green text on black background.
2. Use progress bars for all 
So you've infiltrated the Pentagon's database and are transferring funds from the Federal Reserve your bank account? Sounds a little weird in itself, so it's better you to go with something visual if you want someone to believe you.
Fake Progress Bar  is a program that is intended only for show something important is happening. Actually, it does nothing except show an endless succession of progress bars. The best: you can customize the text as you wish.
If you get an error at the beginning, chances are you need  COMDLG32.OCX . Save it in the same folder of the program.
3. Connect to the router using telnet 
Do you dropped the connection and need to restart the router? Most people would choose to use the button on or off and disconnect the cable ... but of course, not you, you're a computer genius.
Instead, you can connect to the router through the web interface, but this hardly can impress your friends . It is far better to use  PuTTY  to connect via Telnet to the router.
Enter your username and password, type reboot and enjoy the process reporting garbled text when put face interesting and nod in front of the astonished gaze of the visits.
4. Use Resource Hacker to change program texts  
Resource Hacker  is a program which can edit executable files . You can not change their behavior, but some icons and texts.
Do not expect miracles, but with a little luck you can try to convince your friends you've decompiled and compiled a program for improvement. Another option is to use a binary editor as  Free Hex Editor .
5. Transform your Windows with packs of transformation  
A normal-looking Windows is predictable and boring. If you want the visits are amazed by the originality of your system, use a pack of transformation .
These packs completely transform the look of Windows. They come in all tastes: that imitate Mac OSX, Ubuntu, IOS, Android, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista ...

Yes, yes, I use Linux for a lifetime!
6. Add to Desktop with Rainmeter meters  
In the film sets the complex machines are always full of lights and information. Your Windows may have something similar with  Rainmeter , a system monitor that can fill your desktop information such as CPU usage, temperature sensors, disk space, etc ...

You need not know all this information, but who cares!
7. Keep a console / command line open  
All the world knows that the real hackers are unaware of the mouse: all you need is a phosphor screen and pounding the keyboard to infiltrate any system.
So do not forget to always have a few windows open command line (Start> Run> CMD). No matter if you use them or not, but show them from time to time and type something in them, move through folders or, if you feel inspired, create a BAT file.

I have no idea what I'm doing ... But people are looking interested!
8. Pretend you're hacking the Pentagon  
To pretend to be a hacker there's nothing like  HackerTyper , a curious web application that simulates you're writing code in a terminal, with its rigorous ACCESS GRANTED.
All you have to do is adjust the settings in the first window, and press Hack!. Then, clubbing the keyboard and the code will appear.
9. A C0M0 H4BL4 h4ck3r  
Write correctly is not typical of someone with some computer knowledge as extensive as those who intend to appear. So it is best 3MP13C35 4 35CR1B1R 451, L05 H4CK3RZ C0M0.
Writing well is a bit heavy, but you have  translators  ( other  other ) to do the dirty work.

Normal person to izqueirda; technological genius to the right
10. "Hack" the Facebook of your little brother  
Finally, do not forget to brag about how "hacked" account when your little sister forgot log off your PC. A feat of engineering.


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