Monday, 9 January 2012

Attract more traffic to your website

28 ways to attract more traffic to your website ..
In this article I show you how to attract more visitors to your website. It is intended for anyone with a website and serve as a source of inspiration. Not all topics will apply to all situations, but several of them can help a lot.
1 - fresh and attractive contentIf you have good content, people will always come back for more. One of the most important things is to keep the content fresh and updated daily. Something very important is to file this valuable content and make it accessible so that people can find it at any time.

2 - Listen to the audienceIf you're lucky enough to have a community of fans or even just some registered users, listen to them. You can do so by answering your e-mail your users directly, by creating pages of comments, chat, or even user feedback systems, like Aweber or iContact, which allow users to register and receive correspondence by email. Listening to your community, you can determine exactly what they want.

3 - Control how your site is used - AnalitycsKnowing how visitors use your site is vital. This allows you to better target your needs. The best way is to keep a close eye on your Analytics data, which is a free service from google. Check which country, city or geographical area from its visitors, what search terms are working well, what sites are giving the best references or links (links) and many other details that will make you discover the movement of visitors to your page. This will help you modify your site so that it is easier for your visitors to use and find what they want most likely to return.

4 - Participate in the online communityIn reading your favorite blog or read an article of interest, leave a comment with your name, email and website address. Make sure you are an active member of a discussion forum or networking group relevant to your comment is approved by the moderator.

5 - Introduce yourself to the directoryThis should be an ongoing process, as there are many local directories, national and worldwide. Among them are a must and AboutUs.

6 - Signature on the emailEvery time you send an email, make sure you have attached the link to your website and email. It's simple and effective.

7 - Business cards on handMake sure you always have your business card to hand. If you find someone who needs your services is always worth having a professional and impressive card for the exchange. Give time for the production of your business card to be creative and memorable in the eyes of the receiver.

8 - Stationery CompanyPut your website on all stationery, pens, stationery, flyers, envelopes and all it represents your company. Embed to promote and propagate your presence, for example, to visit their website "For more information about our products and services, visit"

9 - Winning a prize or participate in contestsWinning a prize is not easy, but can lead to a flood of visitors to your site. Winning is not everything, but getting free laexposicion your link in front of so many readers is a profit.

10 - Search Engine Optimization (SEO)An effective SEO is to create a semantics, great content and a valid code, which essentially uses the right tool for the job. This means using titles, keywords, description and url of each page according to its content. It is important to ensure that spiders search engines can index your site correctly. Remember that the most important way to ascend to the rank of search engines is through quality links. For complete information on this topic.

11 - Paid advertising or Pay per ClickPay per click can handle a large amount of traffic to your site if you use the right keywords (keywords). The placement of your banner or link on relevant sites will greatly enhance the ability to receive more visitors. The most effective advertising gets your message to a relevant audience.

12 - Write ArticlesWrite articles for other sites as well as your own is a great way to get attention. SEO experts will tell you the same and one of the largest sites for articles is Be sure to put your credit marrow email or your website link next to your name and is well written, people will want to know more about the author.

13 - Use Social BookmarksThis suggestion is one of my favorites because it is very easy and one of the most effective. From the simple idea of ​​putting a "Tell a friend" on your site, allows users of your site spread the word with a couple of clicks and receive new visitors. Social services that come with some widgets like AddThis or AddToAny are you already have saved an amount of work, because in a way that allows users to easily publish your site in their accounts on Digg, Mixx, Taringa, Facebook, Delicious, Stumble and many more with a single click. You only need to copy and paste the widget code in the place you want to place the button.

14 - Websites community onlineIn the past year we have seen the rise of community social site and many sites have reaped enormous benefits. Creating your own Facebook or Myspace page will help you build your online presence.

15 - TwitterWe all know the power of Twitter by now and has spoken extensively on the subject of using Twitter as a marketing tool, but the fact remains that it is a very effective way of getting noticed. Get the most out of Twitter, choosing one of the tools available. Keep within your specific area, follow people that matter to your website, make it personal. Not only use it for marketing or quickly lose followers.

16 - iPod and Video CastsIf you have something to say and think others will be interested to hear, consider making a Pod Cast or Video Cast. Here are seven tips to make a Podcasting: Invest in a good microphone reduce background noise, Prepare a script without making it look as such, follow a consistent pattern, invite speakers, have established regular programs, and relax to enjoy the process.

17 - Newsletters and RSSWith this users can register for your newsletter and you can cloak as your captive audience. If used properly the tools of newsletters (Newsletter - Email Marketing) can be very effective in driving people to your site. Check out the best practices of large sites before embarking on your campaign and how to use a management company mailing lists as Constant Contact.
RSS feeds are similar to those newsletters. With an RSS feed of your content is another way to keep users abreast of what's happening in your website. They are easy to configure. Be sure to keep your feeds relevant, interesting, informative and easy to find.

18 - Organising an eventOrganizing an event is a great way to promote your business and attract new customers and contacts.Alternatively, you can be one of the speakers at the event. This form of marketing has worked very well for people co-worker who receives a free exhibition of a new hearing.

19 - T-shirts or shirts with your websiteBe your own marketing tool, printed shirts, bags, folders, etc with your website address clearly.

20 - Place your content elsewhereYour web site is not the only place to put your content. If you sell a product you can also use eBay. You can put ads on Craigslist, Backpage, Kijiji and Oodle and others. Once people notice that your content is interesting or valuable will be more inclined to visit your site hungry for more.

21 - Give things for freeVista is the case of print Free Business Cards offer the cards with your logo and details on one side and theirs on the other. Here is a list of ideas you can give away pens, badges and other E-books or audio free, or Wallpapers Wallpapers

22 - SponsorshipBeing a sponsor of a football team can put you in the eyes of hundreds of people for a prolonged period of time

23 - Press ReleasesDo you have a website that people are interested in national or local level? Why not submit a press release informing the public about your new site. Just put an ad in the local newspaper or a magazine specified.

24 - YouTubeWe all know that YouTube is a massive content portal has become a great tool for content promotion. The video itself must be creative and interesting. If you have several videos we recommend creating your own channel that will allow users to subscribe and so up in the ranking in search engines.

25 - Write tutorialsIf you are an expert in your field and know what you're talking about, pick a topic and write a tutorial about it. You can then make the tutorials available on their own site, to capture your audience.

26 - Attend networking eventsThe Networking can be fun and a very effective way of promoting your website. Armed with your business cards and a smile you can be sure that you will meet someone interested in your services or introduce you to someone who is. The key is to choose the right event for you and be prepared. Networking events are usually around certain types of businesses or professional objective in specific areas. You can use sites like Facebook or Linkedin to find them.

27 - Label your workTake pride in your work and put your logo or link on the websites you create for your customers. Be sure to include the copy of the contract a clause that allows you to put your credit in the client's website to avoid disappointment. Links to sites with a design firm can normally be found in the footer.

28 - Create a blogAs you probably know, blogs are great attractions for visitors and search engine favorite. Wordpress has been at the forefront of blogs and give us the tools to make CMS blogs and even friendly to search engines, content-rich with a great design options. It is your task to fill the blog with fresh content and engaging.
If you apply just some of the ideas described in this article, you will notice soon as your website begins to increase visits. I await your comments!


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