How to impress a girl :
Every guy, who wonders how to impress a girl, should pay attention to the following alpha personalities.
Social Image: Girls are usually not impressed with guys of low social standing. Those who seemed popular and desirable are more attractive to them. So take good care of your social image. Show her you get along well with your friends and have a lot of friends. Make friends not only to enjoy and hang along but also to increase your base of power. Surrounding yourself with both male and female friends will help you advance your social standings. When there are female friends around, you are assumed to be safe by girls faster. Unconsciously, they will lower their shield quicker. Moreover girls usually want other girls want. This is an added advantage if you use it properly.
Safe Haven: Make her feel you are her emotional and physical safe haven. When you two cross the street, stay between her and coming vehicle. When you are in a small boat trip, take care of her life jacket first before minding yours. Protect and stand up for her from any verbal or physical attack. When she feels you are the source of emotional and physical security, she will chase you and you are on the stage. Instead of asking yourself how to impress a girl, consider a way to make her feel you are her safe haven.
Emotional stimulation: Girls are more interested in the way you make them feel rather than your looks and money. If you can fulfill their emotional needs, you can easily surpass those guys who are more famous, more handsome and richer than you. So how would you stimulate her emotions? Let me point out some top tips. Use Humor, romance, surprises, creativity, intelligence, mystery, unpredictability, attention, care etc. They love to laugh. They are delighted to see hearts and flowers. Instead of directly saying I love you all the time, make some surprises by placing a heart or flowers with your love notes where she wouldn’t expect. Never be boring. Girls are usually more curious than guys. A little mystery and some unpredictability also boost attraction. They want to tease and be teased. They are longing for a caring lover. Listen to her problems and concern. But don’t provide solutions immediately. Unlike guys, girls are not usually asking for solutions, they are seeking someone who can hear them and who care them. Only after they felt heard, they are ready to listen to solutions. There’s a saying “A girl will never trade a good therapist for a boyfriend”. When you understand what a girl needs and wants, then give her positive emotions, you will become irresistible to her. Good luck, Dude!
Every guy, who wonders how to impress a girl, should pay attention to the following alpha personalities.
Confidence is the essence of a man. If a man doesn’t have self-confidence, he won’t be able to impress a girl. Girls usually have a better antenna than guys and they can sense whether a guy has faith in himself or not. They won’t respect a man with no courage. In case you are not confident enough, learn to build it. No matter what you are, you are deserved to be a confident strong man. Learn to awaken the giant within you. Learn to polish the unnoticed hidden gems inside you. I will write how to seek and unleash it step by step in separate posts. Always remember confident guy is more attractive than a handsome one with low self-esteem. When you have enough confidence, it will shine through, and girls will notice it. This is how to impress a girl fast.
Demonstration of leadership: Whenever or wherever you wonder how to impress a girl, ask yourself “how should I demonstrate leadership here”. Then show it in subtle way. Always lead her, but aware not to become bossy. Lead her physically to a place. Lead her in conversation. Lead and help her to come to a decision. Actively help her overcome what she afraid of. Be decisive in your words, opinions and actions. But let me remind again, be a leader not a boss. Let me give you another example. When you are going out in group, care your target but don’t forget to care the group. Make sure everyone feel included. After eating dinner in a restaurant and when the bill comes, you should be the one who collects money from others. You should be the lead to complain in case any discrepancy is found with bills. All these small things will contribute to your demonstration of leadership.Social Image: Girls are usually not impressed with guys of low social standing. Those who seemed popular and desirable are more attractive to them. So take good care of your social image. Show her you get along well with your friends and have a lot of friends. Make friends not only to enjoy and hang along but also to increase your base of power. Surrounding yourself with both male and female friends will help you advance your social standings. When there are female friends around, you are assumed to be safe by girls faster. Unconsciously, they will lower their shield quicker. Moreover girls usually want other girls want. This is an added advantage if you use it properly.
Safe Haven: Make her feel you are her emotional and physical safe haven. When you two cross the street, stay between her and coming vehicle. When you are in a small boat trip, take care of her life jacket first before minding yours. Protect and stand up for her from any verbal or physical attack. When she feels you are the source of emotional and physical security, she will chase you and you are on the stage. Instead of asking yourself how to impress a girl, consider a way to make her feel you are her safe haven.
Emotional stimulation: Girls are more interested in the way you make them feel rather than your looks and money. If you can fulfill their emotional needs, you can easily surpass those guys who are more famous, more handsome and richer than you. So how would you stimulate her emotions? Let me point out some top tips. Use Humor, romance, surprises, creativity, intelligence, mystery, unpredictability, attention, care etc. They love to laugh. They are delighted to see hearts and flowers. Instead of directly saying I love you all the time, make some surprises by placing a heart or flowers with your love notes where she wouldn’t expect. Never be boring. Girls are usually more curious than guys. A little mystery and some unpredictability also boost attraction. They want to tease and be teased. They are longing for a caring lover. Listen to her problems and concern. But don’t provide solutions immediately. Unlike guys, girls are not usually asking for solutions, they are seeking someone who can hear them and who care them. Only after they felt heard, they are ready to listen to solutions. There’s a saying “A girl will never trade a good therapist for a boyfriend”. When you understand what a girl needs and wants, then give her positive emotions, you will become irresistible to her. Good luck, Dude!
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