Back pain is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy. It is situated in the middle and lower back and responds to the name of low back pain. Is caused by the enlarged uterus, which alters the center of gravity of the woman. This gradually changed its position (between the legs for balance and arch the back) and resulting in greater pressure on the ligaments and joints.
- You must use shoes with a heel of medium height, avoiding excessively high or flat shoes.
- When sitting try to keep your back straight and use pads on the bottom of the back. At night it is advisable to have a very firm mattress.
- Try to avoid lifting from the ground. If unavoidable, crouch, bend your knees and hips, avoiding back flexion.
- The local heat, by applying a hot shower or heating pad can relieve discomfort.
- Doing exercises to correct posture and the exercise of the cat: a bending and stretching four feet back.
- Sleeping, lying side by flexing the leg up on a cushion.
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