Everyone gets sick from time to time, which we must not raise his hands and angry when you're wrong. For everyday annoyances follow these guidelines:
- Calm down. For a simple cold patience is the first treatment. Ensure good nutrition and plenty of fluids, and note it will take several days to recover.
- Attention to symptoms. Whatever your ailment pay attention to what your body tells you. A seemingly trivial condition that persists for more than a week or two may actually be something more serious.(Still, do not obsess).
Acute pain, ie pain that comes on suddenly, usually is a warning. If you experience a sudden severe pain that has never had before, you should consult your physician promptly.
FEVERThe elevation of body temperature is one way to fight infection and some diseases, so many minor ailments are often accompanied by fever.
Fever increases fluid loss through the body, so it is very important to replace fluid, taking plenty of water when you have fever.
Body temperature normally varies during the day and is somewhat lower in the morning and highest in the afternoon. The normal temperature is between 36 and 37 ° C. We talk about low-grade fever when the temperature varies between 37 and 38 ° C. Consult your doctor if a temperature over 38 ° C persists for more than two or three days, or if your temperature is above 40 ° C, or a child of 3 months or less has a temperature over 38 ° C. Temperatures over 41 ° C can, in an adult, confused mental processes.
A cough, a cold is due to normal. However, a cough that persists for more than two or three weeks is reason to consult your doctor. Also see your doctor promptly if there is blood in the sputum.
If they are severe, especially in children, can endanger life. Therefore immediately consult your doctor if diarrhea or vomiting.
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