How to Earn Money Online - A Look at Real and Learning Methods to Avoid Scams.
For many, the first approach to make money online is when we felt like having a second source of income or have a work from home to replace our main income source of income earned directly from internet. To that end we enter and do a google search for the term "make money online" and we realize the vast amount of websites offer almost miraculous methods that we will earn money while we are sleeping. The truth is that most of these sites are simply scams.
This article reviews the main methods to make money online by having a work from home , we will explain how they work, their advantages and disadvantages, and you will note on the scams that are turning over the network to not fall victim to them and lose your money and your time.
Is it possible to make money online?
The answer is yes, absolutely. Personally I am dedicating myself to making money internet marketing. If you are looking for a work from home , work online are the best solution. Be aware that no method to make money online make you rich in overnight. A work from home internet is like any other business, you invest time and money before seeing the results.
What is the advantage of an internet work from home or work against a common business?
There are three main advantages:
First, you are the owner of your time.
In a work from home, especially if the Internet, you work when you want. But trust me, when you start to see the results of your work want to work more and more. Every morning get up and feel passion for turning on your computer, and at night you will not want to go to sleep. Not so with a normal job and if it happens to work from home.
Second, you are physically free.
By this I mean that you are not obliged to be always in the same physical place to do your job.Although this is a work from home, whenever you want you can leave your house and go to work at a restaurant, a park, beach, etc.. The only requirement is that there is internet connection. Therefore, when we speak we have a work from home does not mean that we will be forced to spend all his time on it.
Third, lower investment
The investment needed to start your work from home is considerably lower compared to starting a traditional business. When working online (in most cases) need not lease office space, warehouses, have stock of products, etc. All you need to work from home is a computer, internet connection, and in some cases also need some software.
Share with you some advice for me has made the difference between making money and waste time and money:
Always considered to make money online is a business.
The above advice is that it is essential to maintain discipline in a work from home.
Main methods to make money online as a way to work from home
In my experience I can distinguish two main methods. The first method to work from home is to invest money in stocks or currencies, and requires expertise on the market. The second method of working from home is the "internet marketing", where you also need certain skills, but are much simpler and easier to acquire. You can check this site about make money online .
1) Invest in financial markets
How it works
Is to invest your money in the stock market or currency market. You must make the purchase and sale and thus get a gain or loss. Excellent technical knowledge required for analyzing price charts so you can decide what to buy and sell points. Todad the transactions you make on your computer, so it's a job you can take home.
There are differences between the stock market and currency market (FOREX by its acronym in English). Forex is more liquid than the stock market, this means that the volume of money traded each day is enormous and this has advantages for "traders" or market participants. In addition, Forex has gained fame recently on the internet and is becoming easier to create an account for trading in this market and is a good way to work from home. But you must consider that despite the ease of access to these markets, it is difficult to make money if you do not educate properly.
What do I need?
The first thing you need to create an account with a broker. A broker is a particular entity that acts as an intermediary between you and the market, and charges you a commission every time you make a transaction (win or lose money as you pay the commission). To create your account you just need to have a credit card and some 25USD deposit broker just need to start to compromise.
You must be careful to select a broker regulated by the U.S. or UK governments. If you choose an unregulated broker can have some problems, for example, can not execute your orders to buy or sell as you had set, causing a waste of money. It may also happen that you can not withdraw your money when you request because the broker is declared bankrupt.
The main regulated forex broker are FXCM, GFT, and Alpari.
In the world of Forex will give the following types of scams:
Sale miraculous system: A system is a method that you have to decide when to buy or sell. Most of the systems you'll find for sale promise miraculous gains. These systems are a scam. Always seek comments from other users before buying a forex system.
Sale of miraculous courses: These courses promise you that you get rich prodrás the overnight. Usually all forex courses have the same information you can find free google. If you buy one of these courses the only one who will make money is the seller. It is true that there are courses that despite submitting information you can find free, the didactically presented so worth buying. So, again I advise you to seek comments from other users before buying something.
Forex account management: This case involves persons or entities that offer to manage your account by making all transactions. If the transactions are successful you stay with a portion of the gain, and if the transactions result in loss you assume the loss but without paying any commission. Again I advise you to seek comments from other users before hiring these services.
Are there success stories and reliable sources of information?
Totally. The next site called forex peace army is dedicated to detecting fraud in the world of Forex. It also gives information about the products that are not scams and the results of tests conducted by them. Also, users describe their experiences with different products (systems, signals, courses, etc.) and you can see that with some products indicate that some users have managed to quit their jobs to devote 100% to settle at Forex. Forex is very tempting because of the potential gains and because you can do this work from home, but you must be careful.
2) Internet Marketing
The internet marketing is a fascinating and wide area where there are several ways to make money online, and you can also do this work from home. Before you continue you know that this is a work from home with which you can earn enough money, but it takes some work. However, to simplify things there are some software that automate certain tasks and there is also the possibility of outsourcing (outsource) hiring someone at a very low price to take care of certain routine activities you do while you grow your business.
How it works
For simplicity we explain the operation according to the way of making money (or "monetize the website" in the language used in internet marketing). The starting point (common to all methods) for this work from home is to create one or more Web sites, which will be monetized according to the following possibilities:
- Monetize with Adsense ads:
This is the easiest method to monetize and make money work from home. Adsense on a system that belongs to Google and is used to put ads on various websites. When a user enters a site and click on advertising google pay a fee to the owner of the website. That's it. As you can see this site is monetized with Adsense.
The aim is to create sites on topics that people often seek, so you'll have several hits a day, which means more clicks a day. The value of each click is quite low, so that people who are dedicated to this method we created several websites on different subjects in order to increase the number of clicks on the ads. For more information check out this article about making money with adsense .
- Monetize with ads:
In this case, the diferecnia with Adsense is that the owner of the website should contact each advertiser to provide the service of notices in the website in exchange for a fixed cost. This method is very complex for new pages that have no more than 1000 visitors a day.
- Selling affiliate products:
Here the goal is to openly advertise a product and for each sale you make through your site will receive a commission from the sale, which can be 10% to 50% depending on product promotions. A good source of affiliate products is Clickbank . Clickbank is a site where people sell their digital products, and you as the owner of a website you can promote and for every sale you make will receive a commission.
- Pages memberships and sales of own products:
If you have developed a course or product you sell through your website. In these cases, customers pay a monthly fee (membership sites) or pay once to download your product, usually a book or a report in digital format. If you made a quality product you can use Clickbank to sell. This is a good way to get some level of passive income in your work from home.
What do I need?
The basis for this work from home is to create web pages. There are free alternatives to do so, but are not recommended, since at any time the server can decide to delete your pages and you can not do anything to recover. There are quite economical alternative for creating your web sites, and for that you need to buy a domain (the address of your page), cost about 10USD a year, and hire a hosting service that costs about 8USD month.
Often I use namecheap and Godaddy to buy my domain and Hostgator as my hosting for pages. All pages are created in wordpress, a free platform that often comes with your hosting service.
Later I will create and publish a step by step manual on "How to make money online using Internet Marketing."
Unfortunately the internet marketing there are also many scams, mainly by offering ways to get rich from the overnight. You should always hesitate when someone offers you this kind of methods.
Are there success stories and reliable sources of information
Absolutely YES. Nothing found in Spanish, but you can check the following resources in English that have lots of useful information and are great success stories in internet marketing. First I invite you to visit the site of Pat Flynn , who after losing his job now earns more than a month 30.000USD their work from home. You can view your earnings reports here . Finally you can check the page of a course calledThe keyword academy , where he will teach you to make money using Adsense and affiliate product sales (currently belong to the course).
3) And finally, if you really want to make money online I recommend you stay away from these methods
At some point I tried some of the following methods as a way of working from home, and I can say with authority that I recommend you stay away from them, either because they are scams or because the money you earn is not enough even to pay the account of the electrical energy used by your computer.
Earn money with surveys: They pay for every survey you answer. You must accumulate a certain amount of money before receiving a payment, but accumulate that amount of money is almost impossible for the low price of each survey. If you really looking for a real work from home, stay away from this option. It's a waste of time.
Payments to see and click ads: As with surveys, you must be practically the whole day in front of the pc to get together less than 0.5 USD. At that rate it is almost impossible to collect the minimum amount for you to make a payment. Personally I did that after one year to the limit just as he was getting paid for all my hard work
... my account was deleted. No comment.
Just got my check for $500.
Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make by taking paid surveys online...
So I show them a video of myself getting paid $500 for taking paid surveys to set the record straight.
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