Monday, 9 January 2012

Fever In Children

Fever is the elevation of body temperature above the normal.
Anyone can maintain a stable temperature between ambient temperatures of 5 ° to 40 ° C. 
The temperature measurement is performed using a clinical thermometer (mercury)-thermometers modern tend to have a difference with these values ​​- placed in the armpit / groin ( 5 min), rectum (1 to 2 min) or in the ear (less than 1 min). Should not be taken after eating or exercise, it must be from 30 to 60 minutes. 
The standard size is 36.7 ° C at 37 ° C, may increase in the mouth 3-5 tenths and 5-10 tenths in the rectum.In infants the temperature is usually higher in 1 to adult or adolescent. The normal temperature varies with age.
3 months37.4 + / -0.4
6 months37.5 + / -0.3
1 year37.6 + / -0.2
3 years37.2 + / -0.2
5 years37 + / -0.2
7 years36.8 + / -0.2
9 years36.7 + / -0.2
11 years36.7 + / -0.2
13 years36.5 + / -0.2
The temperature measured in the morning may be 2 percent less than in the evening. 
The equilibrium temperature is obtained by a balance between increases in temperature produced by combustion energy factors (sugars, lipids, proteins), or hormonal activity decreases it by sweating and breathing. These regulatory functions are centralized in the brain at the level of the diencephalon, which acts on the hypothalamus that triggers changes in the balance if necessary. 
There is also a loss of heat through the skin if the outside is colder, but it is very cold even this loss can be prevented by excessive contraction of blood vessels. 
There are other processes such as inflammation in which leukocytes release substances from increasing temperature (pyrogens).
  • Infectious diseases,
  • Sunstroke or heat stroke, when the ambient temperature can not produce excessive evaporation.
  • Hormonal cause. Hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma.
  • Muscular effort: sport, epileptic, tetanic crisis.
  • Malignant hyperthermia.
  • Salicylic poisoning.
  • Other.
Continuous fever .- The temperature is maintained constantly high despite taking antipyretics is not oscillate more than 1 ° C fever sender .- The temperature is 1 or 2 treatment but not back to normal intermittent fever .- The temperature ranges in peaks, but between them is normal, as in malaria. Swing Fever .- The temperature ranges at different values ​​of the day over undulating fever .- The temperature tends to increase in steps to 40 ° C, reaches a plateau for a few days back down Ladder. Slight fever .- It calls the temperature maintained at 38 ° C.

It should be borne in mind three basic points:
  • Signals control the child's illness with fever
  • Treating a fever
  • Know when to call a doctor.
As the fever must have a source to be observed with the onset of fever:
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting or abdominal pain
  • Irritability
  • Excessive sleepiness
  • Severe headache
  • Persistent crying
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Earache
  • Pain with urination
You can perform the treatment of fever by administration of antipyretic drugs:
  • Aspirin Aspirin ® .- - 
    Dose 50-65 mg / kg / día.Cada 8 hours orally. 
    Do not use in children with vomiting or chickenpox by the possible production of Reye syndrome.
  • Paracetamol. - Gelocatil ®, Melabón ®, Febrectal ®, Apiretal ® - 
    Dose 20-40 mg / kg / day every 6-8 hours, rectally 
    10 mg / kg / dose every 6-8 hours orally
  • Ibuprofeno.-Dalsy ® - 
    Dose 20 mg / kg / day every 6-8 hours
Or by physical measures to increase heat loss, such as decreasing the child's clothes, put pads or put warm water in a bath of warm water. Furthermore it should give the child plenty of fluids 
should be taken into account the possible complication of fever with a febrile seizure. If the box remains we must consider the possibility to call the doctor especially if:
  • In children younger than 2 months if the temperature is constant and is greater than 38.5 ° C rectally.
  • In children older than 2 months with continuous temperature greater than 38.5 ° C rectal, associated with signs of disease.
  • In children of any age if the temperature is over 40 ° C rectally.
  • In children with continuous temperature does not go away after three days of antipyretics.


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