The heat is pressing more and it's time to remedy. We give you some good tips for it.
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ... In the evening: open windows, iron, tends ... On the day: electric blinds down and off. Food: snacks and fresh water.There are plenty of ways to cope with the heat. Some are simple and basic (drinking more water, keep blinds down in the heat of the day ...) and others are more complicated to implement, because you will have to pay some money to buy, such as fans orair conditioning .
Household Tips from the heat
The first thing is that you steer well hydrated continuously. Meted a water bottle in the fridge and drink all day.Covet always mix it with tap water so that it is too cold and can harm you throat. This could be very harmful to you.
During the hottest hours, Keep lowered the blinds and windows closed . During the night and the remaining hours, keep the windows open with the blinds completely rolled up.
Reducid the best use of appliances such as television, computers, the oven ... well off lots of heat.
They also shun certain activities at home during the hours of greatest sun , and hang clothes or ironing. Try to do it at night, so the heat will escape through the areas you've left open. Open also the doors of the house to air drafts are better than air conditioning.
In Seize holiday season and the night in the heat of the day, thus avoid spending too much heat at all other hours.
Duchaos in the heat of the day, a soak in cold water in the shower will refresh you as possible.
At this time of year, shun large meals and apuntaros to salads and lighter meals .
Finally, it may seem odd, pararos to look at the color of your walls. The use of colors in a room makes you less heat.
Buy some things
Even with these tricks, and depending on the area where you live, it is usually mandatory to buy some appliancesto cope with the intense heat of the day.
The cheapest option is to buy a fan . The cost of purchase and use of energy is very small and can maintain a more natural feeling of freshness, if not used, as in the case of air conditioning , artificial air and thus avoid constipation and dryness in the throat. The have of many types: roof, floor or even pocket.
The air conditioning is also a good way to avoid sweating but its misuse and overuse can lead to a problem that another health .
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