Season Begins sunbathing! If you are someone you love be broncead @ you know these tricks and tips for choosing the right protection.
How to choose the appropriate protective factor? Tips and Tricks
The sun protection factors appropriate for each skin are determined according to skin characteristics regarding picture type and condition.However, if one considers that the melanin pigments are elements that protect cells from harmful effects of UV rays , it is clear that in the first direct exposure to the sun, we choose a very high degree of protection even end .
Genetics determines the photo skin type , and this determines in turn we have a limited time in minutes of natural protection for the amount of melanin we produce. And depending on how long we are protected, we chose a protection factor or another. The less time protected, greater protection factor.
The vast improvement in textures and types of sunscreen can also take into account the condition of skin.Thus, for acne-prone skin or scars, physical filters are most suitable.
What we should look before you buy a sunscreen?
Especially in that protection is against UVA and UVB , filter types (chemical, physical, organic) and at different degrees of protection. The market now offers variety of textures and also add some color.
What are the key to knowing what type of skin do we have?
Normal, combination, oily, acne-prone skin, sensitive ... considerations to be taken into account in addition to the phototype. This is determined by the degree of protection that is our skin from UV rays.
Is it true that the protection factor is the time that it can be exposed?
If the FPS is 25, that means we're 25 times more protected than we are naturally in our skin type. A phototype higher, more secure, longer, so in theory we need to lower SPF. If we are going to sweat, exposing long, swim ... other considerations eventually to make that protection factor.
Can you take the sun from 10 am to 6 pm as long as we take protection? Does this case have to take any precautions?
Yes, provided they are applied repeatedly sunscreens that meet the needs of our skin. Knowing that the range of time critical and ideally avoid, is 12 noon to 16 hours.
Are there foods that protect the skin from the sun?
All foods rich in carotenoids, shields (zanahorias. .., red peppers, plums), and rich in vitamins C, E ..., antioxidants such as fruits, green leafy vegetables ... help inhibit the action of free radicals because of photoexposure of the cells
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