Tuesday, 12 June 2012

How to jailbreak, unlock and release an iPhone, iTouch or iPhone

Tutorial and step by step guide for unlocking and release of Apple iDevice or devices, requirements, advice and recommendations, risks, links to the necessary files for free downloading on the Internet and related pages. 
If you go to this page looking for information perform the jailbreak an iPhone, iPod Touch or an iPhone, you are advised to read carefully before all the first part of the article discusses what you should know about Jailbreak, why do the requirements and the risks that entails. 
While mentioning the iPhone, the page content is applicable to any of the three devices, except the release process which logically has to do only with the phone.
What is Jailbreak?
The jailbreak is a long and complex process, as it is to hack the original factory configuration of the device and break the restrictions imposed by Apple. 
However there is no reason frightened, they will succeed if you follow the instructions at any time run physically threatening and always will be your option to restore the original configuration. 
After completing the process will have full control on the device and you'll pay well worth trying.
Why do the Jailbreak the phone?
Jailbreak allows fully manage the device, similar to how we do it in Windows, we can explore all your files, modify, install any application or program, whether original or cracked, transfer music, videos, movies, pictures and other files iPhone to PC and vice versa. 
In the case of the iPhone we can release it later, ie use it with any carrier or network operator.
Risks of doing the Jailbreak
Perform Jailbreak an Apple device, automatically entails the loss of the commercial guarantee, so if you recently purchased must be weighed against the benefits this can bring to the damage.
Requirements and files necessary to perform the jailbreak
-Have installed on your PC or notebook the iTunes program. 
application-download  redsn0w  to your computer, make sure it's a recent version, you can use PwnageTool, both are developed by iPhone Dev-Team , go to their website to verify more convenient version. 
Make sure the version of  redsn0w  Jailbreak allows downloaded to your device model in unbound mode (Unthetered), this means that the jailbreak will be permanent, even if you turn off the device when it is turned on will work perfectly, This is not true in Bound mode (tethered). 
pre-team Download the installation file for the firmware you have installed, you can download it free of any of the following sites:
You see in these pages a list of available versions for each device model, all are copies of the official versions released by Apple. 
• Do not use the Safari browser to download the file 
• If the downloaded file has the extension ZIP or RAR , cámbiasela a. IPSW, for example should be: iPhone3, 1_4.3_8F190_Restore.ipsw.
Do not know the model of your device or firmware installed?
• Sometimes no one knows the exact device model and do not have access to the interior for being blocked, or the iPhone comes from another person who does not know your model, in such case the only alternative is to read the numbers engraved on the back In:  Model No: And you'll get the answer looking for patterns in tables on the web.
Advice and directions before making the Jailbreak
• Make sure you know all the technical features of your device, all the information you know at: Settings ->. General -> Information. 
In this tab lists the following items:
? Version - The version of firmware installed (operating system) 
? Serial Number - Contains the date of manufacture, eg 86925GFJY7H indicates it was manufactured in week 25 of 2009, you will need the information. 
? Modem firmware - is the baseband (below know that means)
• Download and keep on hand all the necessary files. 
• Take some time and look for information on the web sites related prestige, below you can find the links, then make up your mind and begins the task. 
• First of all synchronizes the iPhone to iTunes to make a backup and so ensure that personal files are safe as Contacts, Messages, Calendar, installed applications, etc.. Keep in mind that music, pictures and videos are not stored in the copy created. 
• Use in the process a USB cable that is in perfect condition.
Perform the jailbreak, step by step guide.
1 - In the same folder or directory where you have  redsn0w , placed the installation file of the firmware version installed, call for example: iPhone3, 1_4.3_8F190_Restore.ipsw . 
2 - Run redsn0w, you click on the Open button ( Browse) and select the IPSW file, if everything is correct you will get the message:  "IPSW successfully Identified" 3
- Follow the instructions, be sure to select:  Install Cydia  (Install Cydia). 
By then prompt you to connect your phone in DFU mode you will have to done manually, is performed as follows:
Press the Power button for 3 seconds, then press the Start button (hold Power) for 10 seconds, after this time release the Power button and hold down Home alone until the end of the count.
Connect your device and wait patiently for completion of all process steps.

After Jailbreak

After completing the process successfully Jailbreak (you will get the message DONE), open the Cydia application and expects to update its database to later be able to install all necessary applications. 
Restart your phone and use iTunes to restore the saved backup so get your user information.

Install applications or Ipas cracked

To have the possibility to install cracked apps on the phone IPA format, you must install the following applications with Cydia, you can search both directly and install them.
AppSync . Allows you to install apps in iTunes IPA format without having bought into the Apple AppsStore, should match the firmware version installed, eg AppSync for OS 3.1, you AppSync for 4.1, etc.. Install0us . Allows you to install cracked apps directly to the iPhone from the Internet.
Both applications are available in the same repository:  http://hackulo.us/
At the end of the phone restarts.

Or add other repositories to Cydia Sources.

The process stops installed Jailbreak iPhone in Cydia application, including some repositos or default sources that contain applications that can be installed, all of them are legitimate, by which you can install any app from them safely. 
However it is possible install other sources, which will have the ability to add more applications available. For this we introduce the necessary URL: Manage -> Sources -> Edit -> Add. 
You need to add new sources caution, since there are several available on the internet that are just sources of malware.

How to unlock or unlock an iPhone

The process of release or unlock (unlock) is necessary for those who have the phone anchored to a specific company and want to use another, to do this do the following:
• After restarting the phone then insert your SIM card. 
• Open the Cydia application on your search tab (on the magnifying glass icon) introduces:  ultrasn0w , the search adds the application and install it.
Keep in mind that  ultrasn0w  is spelled with a zero instead of letter O. 
Ultrasn0w is available in the repositories:  http://repo666.ultrasn0w.com/  and  http://repo.beyouriphone.com/

Release or unlock an iPhone without connecting to the internet.

You may need to unlock or release a phone that already has the jailbreak, but do not have WiFi available to connect to Cydia, then you can download to your PC or Laptop required files, transfer them to your phone and release it successfully. 
necessary files are:
• MobileSubstrate 
• UltraSn0w
Are downloaded from the Internet to the PC directly to a site or using the program Cyder. 
are transferred to the device using a program that uses SSH to connect, (may be with the same Cyder) using the USB cable, are copied to the directory :  var / root / Media / Cydia / AutoInstall , then only enough to make it restart the phone successfully released.

Make an upgrade of firmware installed on the iPhone.

In case you want before you install a firmware Jailbreak higher, or more recent modern and possessing the device, you have to do previously with iTunes, but then you would have to bear in mind the following:
iTunes will always install the firmware available it deems appropriate for the device will always be the latest that supports, raising the baseband (modem firmware), this usually causes that can not be Released on iPhone even after performing the jailbreak ie there is a risk that the iPhone can not be used over a telephone.
The baseband you have your phone can see it in: Settings ->. General -> About -> Modem Firmware. 
The only solution when you need to go back to a previous version, you first create a custom firmware.

What is a Custom Firmware?, How to keep my SHSH?

Firmware file is created from a file. IPSW original of the same version that is installed on your iPhone, downloaded and modified using the application  iFaith , you can download from the site of  iH8sn0w  (the creator of  iREB and  sn0wbreeze ). 
The process is simple, the first step is to save your SHSH Blobs in a place of your computer using iFaith. 
then create the custom firmware file, the file loading and saving SHSH. the original IPSW downloaded. 
You can install iTunes then with the latest firmware from Apple. 
If you need to go back, be used  Redsn0w  to load the original firmware file and then iTunes will accept and install custom version created earlier. iFaith  is compatible with the latest firmware, with the same objective is also possible to use applications:  sn0wbreeze  andTinyUmbrella .


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