Friday, 6 January 2012

how to add meta tags to each blogger post

Meta tags are very important for the search engine optimization of the blog.Meta tags help search engine crawlers know about the content of the blog,website or post.Two types of meta tags are generally used by webmasters.First is description tag which makes search engines know what content is about and second is keywords meta tag which defines the important keywords used in the content.
Keywords meta tags are less important than description meta tags because many search engines including Google are not taking them into consideration while indexing and ranking web pages.Now I will tell you how you can efficiently insert meta tags in blogger.

How to add meta tags to blogger home page

 Go to Layout > Edit HTML and search for the below code using CTRL+F.

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

Insert the below meta tags just after the above line.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='free online tips, tricks and tutorials' name='description'/>
<meta content='Blog, Blogger tips, tutorial, widgets,tutorial, tips, tricks,blogger tips tricks'name='keywords'/>
Replace the highlighted description with your own which should be relevant to your blog and highlighted keywords with important keywords of your blog.These meta tags will only be applicable for your blog home page.If you remove the second line in the above code,then these meta tags will be applicable for both home page and blog posts but you should not do this because every blog post have different description and keywords.Using same description and keywords for each blog post will result in penalty by search engines. 
Note: Do not use the same keyword more than three times because you can be penalized by search engines.

How to add meta tags to each blogger post 

In wordpress meta tags are automatically inserted in each blogger posts by using plugins like 'All in one SEO pack' but in blogger there is no such plugin but you can add meta tags manually.I will explain how you can do this.
Suppose you want to add meta tags to the post with the following link.
Insert the below code just after the meta tags tags code which i mentioned above.
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>

<meta content='Tip to create static pages in blogger easily' name='description'/>

<meta content='static pages,blogger,tip' name='keywords'/> </b:if>

Replace the highlighted link of the post with your own.Replace description and keywords with the one which is relevant to your post.
If you have any problem in implementing meta tags please mention it in comments.


Maximize Your Earnings said...

How to ad meta description and meta keyword to blogger blog static page? like this web site this site add keyword and description

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